Sunday, December 4, 2016

The best Guy fawkes day ever

In the weekend I went into Wellington to see the fireworks. When we went into wellington we went to my brother’s work. We saw the whole fireworks. The fireworks were like thunder it was so cool because there were boats. Also we got to go on one of the boats which was cool. We saw a love heart firework.  After we got off the boat we saw a big huge firework that was as huge as a giant. When it finished we went home. But we lit sparkler before we went home.

After that we rushed home because then there would of been a lot of  traffic. On our way home it was a fun time in Wellington because I got to play this clown game. And I was lucky because I got to go on this boat thing and it goes high then low. And you could even get to scream so that was my favorite ride then there was a tea cup. That went round and round it would go slow so you could get a long turn.

Then we finally arrived  home and lit all the shower fireworks and then we lit all the big fireworks. That was cool and I thought today was a fun day. It was a long day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

This Moment In Time

It is a sunny beautiful. Day where all the countries tripped me and Nikki Hamblin up.

Body/Paragraphs:we are about to start the race. ‘’54321’’ Go.  I am now racing. People are shouting you can do it New Zealand. And some people a shouting on the other. Side i now you can  do it D'Agostino i now you can i can hear a whole bunch of people just shouting Whooo.

me and D'Agostino got up to run but D'Agostino couldn’t run because because she clicked her heel when we were running she said that she couldn’t run but I said was saying to her i now you can do it whoo!!! We finally we go to the finished line i'm so happy that D'Agostino and me got to the finish line yaaay I'm sooo happy that we made it the judge ask me is i would want to go in the finals but i said no thanks.